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الجمعة، 28 يوليو 2017

The Antichrist المسيح الدجال

((إنقطع ذكره على المنابر منذ سنوات قليلة مضت فهذا زمان ظهوره والله أعلم فاحذروا يا عباد الله )) 
أيها الأخوة، إن بين يدي الساعة فتنة مخيفة هي أعظم الفتن ليس فتنة صغيرة ولا كبيرة إلا تصغر أمامها، وما تكون فتنة حتى تقوم الساعة أكبر من فتنتها. إنها فتنة المسيح الدجال ونعوذ بالله من فتنة المسيح الدجال

لقد تواترت الأخبار، وتكاثرت الأحاديث عن نبيكم محمد في التحذير منه، وبيان أوصافه، وعظم فتنته.

عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله قال: ((إنه لم يكن نبي إلا وقد أنذر الدجال قومه إني أنذركموه إنه أعور ذو حدقة جاحظة لا تخفى))[4].

وعن عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال: ((قام رسول الله في الناس فأثنى على الله بما هو أهله ثم ذكر الدجال فقال: ألا أنذركموه، ما من نبي إلا وقد أنذر قومه ولكني سأقول لكم فيه قولاً لم يقله نبيٌ لقومه: إنه أعور وإن ربكم ليس بأعور))[5] زاد مسلم: ((مكتوب بين عينيه كافر يقرأه من كره عمله، أو يقرأه كل مؤمن كاتب وغير كاتب))[6].

وتكاثرت الأحاديث عن رسول الله بهذا الدعاء: ((اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم، ومن عذاب القبر، ومن فتنة المحيا والممات، ومن شر فتنة المسيح الدجال))[7]. متفق عليه وهذا لفظ مسلم.

إن فتنته لعظيمة حتى قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: ((من سمع بالدجال فلينأ عنه، فوالله إن الرجل ليأتيه وهو يحسب أنه مؤمن فيتَّبعه مما يبعث معه من الشبهات))[8].

أيها الإخوة الأحبة: ومن المخيف وعظيم الفتنة أنه يخرج في خفةٍ من الدين، وإدبارٍ من العلم، واختلافٍ بين الناس وفرقة.

وإن لقرب وقته وإبَّان خروجه علاماتٍ وأسباباً وهناتٍ يتلو بعضهن بعضاً حذو النعل بالنعل؛ من التهاون بالصلوات وإضاعة الأمانات، وفتن يكون فيها الظلم فخراً، ويكثر الفجرة والخونة، والظلمة والفسقة، ويفشو الزنا، ويظهر الربا، وتقطَّع الأرحام، وتتخذ القينات أي المغنيات وتشرب الخمور، وتنقضُ العهود، ويأكل الناس الرشوة، ويستخفون بالدماء، ويتطاول السفهاء، وتتَّجر المرأة مع زوجها حرصاً على الدنيا، ويشبه النساء الرجال ويشبه الرجال النساء، ويلبسون جلود الضأن على قلوب الذئاب، وتكون القلوب أمر من الصبر، والألسنة أحلى من العسل، والسرائر أنتن من الجيف، ويلتمس الفقه لغير الدين، وتنقض عرى الإسلام عروةً عروةً، وتكون الدنيا بيد لُكع بن لُكع وهو الأحمق اللئيم. وترى الحفاة العراة العالة رعاء الشاء يتطاولون في البنيان ويتقلبون في أعطاف النعيم. ويتقارب الزمان، ويلقى الشح، ويكثر الهرج وهو القتل. يتطاولون على الطعن في الإسلام والتشكيك في الدين. ومن أعظم الفتن أنه لا يخرج الدجال حتى يذهل الناس عن ذكره وحتى تترك الأئمة ذكره على المنابر، هكذا ورد الخبر مرفوعاً[9].

في هذه الأجواء المدلهمة يبعث الله عليهم الدجال فيسلط عليهم حتى ينتقم منهم، وينحاز المؤمنون إلى بيت المقدس.

الدجال منبعُ الكفر والضلال، وينبوع الفتن والأوجال، أنذرت به الأنبياء أقوامها، وحذرت منه الرسل أممها، ونعتته بالنعوت الظاهرة، ووصفته بالأوصاف البينة، وحذَّر منه نبينا المصطفي، وذكر له نعوتاً وأوصافاً لا تخفى.

واسمعوا إلى هذا الحديث الجامع الذي أخرجه الإمام مسلم رحمه الله في صحيحه عن النواس بن سمعان رضي الله عنه قال: ذكر رسولُ اللهِ الدجالَ ذات غداة فخفض فيه ورفع، حتى ظنناه في طائفة النخل، فلما رُحنا إليه عرف ذلك فينا فقال: ((ما شأنكم؟)) قلنا: يا رسول الله ذكرت الدجال غداة فخفضت فيه ورفعت حتى ظنناه في طائفة النخل. فقال: ((غير الدجال أخوفني عليكم؟ إن يخرج وأنا فيكم فأنا حجيجه دونكم، وإن يخرج ولست فيكم فكل امرؤٌ حجيج نفسه، والله خليفتي على كل مسلم؛ إنه شابٌ قطط – يعني: جعد شعر الرأس – عينه طافئة، كأني أشبهه بعبد العزى بن قَطَن، فمن أدركه منكم فليقرأ عليه فواتح سورة الكهف، إنه يخرج من خلة بين الشام والعراق، فعاث يميناً وعاث شمالاً يا عباد الله فاثبتوا)). قلنا: يا رسول الله وما لبثه في الأرض؟ قال: ((أربعون يوماً؛ يومٌ كسنة، ويوم كشهر، ويوم كجمعة، وسائر أيامه كأيَّامكم)). قلنا: يا رسول الله؛ فذلك اليوم الذي كسنة أتكفينا فيه صلاة يوم؟ قال: ((لا؛ اقدروا له قدره)). قلنا: يا رسول الله؛ وما إسراعه في الأرض؟ قال: ((كالغيث استدبرته الريح. فيأتي على القوم فيدعوهم فيؤمنون به ويستجيبون له، فيأمر السماء فتمطر، والأرض فتنبت، فتروح عليهم سارحتهم[10] أطول ما كانت ذراً[11]، وأسبغه ضروعاً، وأمدَّه خواصر[12]. ثم يأتي القوم فيدعوهم فيردُّون عليه قوله، فينصرف عنهم فيصبحون ممحلين ليس بأيديهم شيء من أموالهم. ويمرُّ الخربة فيقول لها: أَخرجي كنوزك؛ فتتبعه كنوزها كيعاسيب النحل، ثم يدعو رجلاً ممتلئاً شباباً فيضربه بالسيف فيقطعه جزلتين رمية الغرض[13] ثم يدعوه فيقبل ويتهلل وجهه يضحك؛ فبينما هو كذلك إذ بعث الله المسيح بن مريم فينزل عند المنارة البيضاء شرقي دمشق بين مَهْرودَتين أي ثوبين واضعاً كفيه على أجنحة ملكين إذا طأطأ رأسه قطر، وإذا رفعه تحدَّرمنه جمانٌ كاللؤلؤ، فلا يحلُّ لكافرٍ يجد ريح نفسه إلا مات، ونفسه ينتهي حيث ينتهي طرفه، فيطلبه حتى يدركه بباب لد فيقتله. ثم يأتي عيسى بن مريم قومٌ قد عصمهم الله منه فيمسح عن وجوههم ويحدثهم بدرجاتهم في الجنة))[14].

هذا هو الدجال أيها الإخوة وهذا شيء من خبره، نعوذ بالله من فتنته ومن جميع الفتن ما ظهر منها وما بطن

((He was mentioned on the platforms a few years ago, this is the time of his appearance and God knows best, beware, O servants of God)
Brothers, there is in the hands of the hour a frightening temptation is the greatest strife is not small sedition and large only smaller before them, and there is a temptation until the time is greater than the temptation. It is the sedition of the Antichrist and we seek refuge in God from the temptation of the Antichrist

There has been a lot of news, and there have been many conversations about your Prophet Muhammad in warning him, and the statement of his descriptions, and great fascination.

It was narrated from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He was not a prophet except when the Dajjal had warned his people that I would warn him.

It was narrated that 'Abd-Allaah ibn' Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (5) Muslim increased: ((written between the eyes of an infidel who reads it from the hatred of his work, or read every believer writer and writer)) [6].

The hadiths were narrated from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with this du'aa ': "Oh God, I seek refuge in you from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave, from the sedition of the living and the dead, Agreed upon and this is a Muslim.

If he is heard by a dajjal, then let him leave him. God is the man to come to him and he thinks that he is a believer and he will follow him, which will cause him suspicions.

Dear brothers: It is frightening and great sedition that it comes out in the light of religion, and the imposition of science, and the difference between people and a band.

And the nearness of his time and the departure of his time and signs and reasons and Hnat read each other in the footsteps of the insole; the negligence of prayers and the loss of secretions, and sedition where injustice is pride, The women are like men, men are like women, they wear the skins of sheep on the hearts of wolves, the hearts are a matter of patience, the tongues are sweeter than the honey, and the shepherds are from the jiff. , Will It touches the jurisprudence of non-religion, and reverses the folds of Islam Erwa Erwa, and the world will be in the hands of Lea bin Lakah, a foolish idiot. In the eyes of barefoot naked nudes, shepherds graze in the structure and fluctuate in the punishment of bliss. And the time is near, and the scarcity, and the thrill is the killing. They are challenging to challenge Islam and question religion. And one of the greatest strife is that he does not come out of the Dajjaal so that people will be amazed at him and even leave the imams to mention him on the platforms, so the news was reported [9].

In this inspired atmosphere, Allah sends them to the Antichrist, and He attacks them until he avenge them.

The Dajjal is the source of infidelity and misguidance, and the source of strife and ojal. The prophets warned its people, and the apostles warned against it, and called it the visible manifestation, and described it with clear descriptions.

And heard that this hadeeth, which was narrated by Imam Muslim, may Allaah have mercy on him, in his Sahih on the hadeeth of Ibn Samaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah, the Dajjaal, mentioned the following day and said: ?) We said: O Messenger of God reported the Dajjal the next day and I was lowered and raised until we thought in the palm tree. He said, "I am not a dajjal, I am afraid of you, if I go out with you, I will challenge you without you, and if I come out, I am not in you. Cotton, it is aware of you Vlkrv it Vajat Al - Cave, it comes out of Khalat between the Levant and Iraq, Vat right and left north, O worshipers of God stood up)). We said: O Messenger of God and what is in the ground? He said: "Forty days, one day as a year, one day as a month, and one day as a meal, and the rest of his days as your days." We said: O Messenger of Allaah, is that the day on which we did not pray during the year? He said: ((Do not; We said: O Messenger of God; He said: "As the wind is driven by the wind, and he will come upon the people, and he will call them, and they will believe in him, and they will answer him. Then he calls a man full of young men and hits him with the sword, and he cuts off two jars of purpose. [13] Then he calls him and kisses him and rejoices in his face. He laughs; while he calls upon him to kiss him. This is also the case when God sent the Son of Mary to the White Lighthouse, east of Damascus, between Mehrudet And if he raises it, it will be as beautiful as pearls, so it is not permissible for a kaafir to find the wind himself, but he dies, and his soul ends where his end ends, and he asks him to recognize him with a door of fire and he will kill him. From him to wipe away their faces and bring them to their degrees in Paradise ") [14].

This is the Antichrist, brothers, and this is something of his experience, we seek refuge in God from his fascination and from all strife what emerged from her and what belly

الأربعاء، 14 يونيو 2017

هل يمكن أن نفسر نشوء الكون بنظرية الانفجار الكبير؟ ?Can we explain the emergence of the universe with the Big Bang Theory

هل يمكن أن نفسر نشوء الكون بنظرية الانفجار الكبير؟

تقول نظرية الانفجار العظيم أو الكبير
  إن الكون نشأ من كتلة واحدة ثم انفجرت وتباعدت أجزاؤها وتناثرت ثم بدأت العناصر....

تقول نظرية الانفجار العظيم أو الكبير
  إن الكون نشأ من كتلة واحدة ثم انفجرت وتباعدت أجزاؤها وتناثرت ثم بدأت العناصر تتشكل ثم تشكلت النجوم والمجرات والكواكب حتى وصل الكون إلى ما نراه عليه اليوم. ولدى تأمل هذه النظرية وجدت أن فيها جوانب صحيحة وهناك جوانب خاطئة، وهناك أشياء تحتاج لتعديل لتتفق مع الحقيقة القرآنية المطلقة التي نعتقد بها.

فالأشياء الصحيحة في هذه النظرية هي أن الكون كان كتلة واحدة ثم انفصلت وتباعدت أجزاؤها مشكلة الكون الذي نراه اليوم، وهذا يتفق مع قوله تعالى (أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا) [الأنبياء

الأشياء الخاطئة في النظرية هي أنهم يعتبرون أن هذه الكتلة وجدت بالمصادفة، ونحن نقول إن الله تعالى هو من أوجدها

أما الأشياء التي تحتاج لتعديل فهي أن النظرية تتحدث عن انفجار، والقرآن يتحدث عن نظام الرتق والفتق، أي ما يشبه البنية النسيجية (الحبك). أي يجب أن تكون النظرية على الشكل الآتي لتكون مقبولة قرآنياً

لقد خلق الله الكون وكان في بداية نشوئه عبارة عن كتلة ثقيلة لا فراغات فيها (رتقاً في اللغة تعني سداً)، ثم بدأت مادة هذه الكتلة بالتباعد عن بعضها مثل تباعد الخيوط في النسيج بسلسلة من التفاعلات المنظمة (ففتقناهما: الفتق هو تباعد خيوط النسيج عن بعضها)، ثم جعل الله من هذه المادة النسيجية السماء والأرض. والذي يشهد على ذلك أن المجرات تتوزع بشكل نسيج محكم. والله أعلم

لنقرأ الآية من جديد: (أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ) [الأنبياء: 30

Can we explain the emergence of the universe with the Big Bang Theory?

The theory of the Big or Big Bang says
  The universe grew out of a single mass and then exploded and scattered its parts and scattered and then started the elements ....

The theory of the Big or Big Bang says
  The universe arose from a single mass and then exploded and scattered parts and scattered and then began to form elements and then formed stars and galaxies and planets until the universe reached what we see today. In contemplating this theory I found that there are correct aspects and there are wrong aspects, and there are things that need to be adapted to the absolute Qur'anic truth that we believe.

The correct things in this theory is that the universe was a single block and then separated and separated parts of the problem of the universe, which we see today, and this is consistent with the verse (Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up ,but we have opened them)

The wrong things in the theory are that they consider that this block was found by accident, and we say that God is the one who created it

The things that need to be modified are that the theory speaks of an explosion, and the Koran speaks of the dendritic system, which is like the structure of tissue. That is, the theory must be in the following form to be acceptable to the Qur'an

God created the universe and at the beginning of its creation was a heavy mass with no gaps in it. The material of this mass began to diverge, such as spacing the threads in the tissue with a series of organized interactions. ), Then God made of this textile material heaven and earth. Which testifies to the fact that galaxies are distributed in a tightly knit texture. God knows

Let us read the verse again: "Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up ,but we have opened them and we have made of water everything living,will they not then believe ?" [The Prophets: 30]

الثلاثاء، 9 مايو 2017

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الجمعة، 21 أبريل 2017

The heart

The heart is not just a chew! This is the latest scientific fact that scientists have recently reached. They have discovered more than 40,000 complex neurons that are still unknown to scientists. They found that the heart thinks, understands, and rationalizes. The American Institute of Cardiac Mathematics recalls that the heart has an important role in emotions, sensations, perception and learning. The heart has a much stronger electrical field than the brain ... Is responsible for guiding the brain in his work ... but is responsible for guiding the bodies of the body in its work ... This new discovery pointed to the Koran clearly in the words of the Almighty ((Have they not traveled in the land so that they should have hearts with which to understand,or ears with which to heart? For surely it is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts )) Hajj: 46 Glory to God!

Lower area on planet Earth

Another miraculous aspect of the Qur'an is its prediction of future events, all of which have so far been fulfilled. This is one of the proofs that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah. In the following pages, we will dwell on some of these events.


An astonishing prediction is found in the first verses of Surat ar-Rum, which refers to the Byzantine Empire, the eastern part of the later Roman Empire: The Byzantine Empire, which had met with a great defeat, would soon gain victory.

Alif, Lam, Mim. The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will be victorious within three to nine years. The affair is Allah's from beginning to end. On that day, the believers will rejoice. (Qur'an, 30:1-4)

These verses were revealed around 620, almost 7 years after the idolatrous Persians had severely defeated Christian Byzantium in 613-14. In fact, Byzantium had suffered such heavy losses that it seemed impossible for it even to survive, let alone be victorious again. Following their defeat of the Byzantines at Antioch in 613, the Persians seized control of Damascus, Cilicia, Tarsus, Armenia, and Jerusalem. The loss of Jerusalem in 614 was particularly traumatic for the Byzantines, for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed and the Persians seized the "True Cross," the symbol of Christianity.174 In addition, the Avars, Slavs, and Lombards also were posing serious threats to the Byzantine Empire. The Avars had reached as far as the walls of Constantinople. Emperor Heraclius ordered the gold and silver in churches to be melted and turned into money in order to meet the army's expenses. When this proved insufficient, bronze statues were melted down in order to mint more money. Many governors had revolted against Heraclius, and Byzantium was on the point of collapse.175 Mesopotamia, Cilicia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Armenia, which had earlier belonged to Byzantium, were invaded by the idolatrous Persians.176

The Dead Sea basin where Byzantium was defeated by Persians. Above is a satellite photograph of the region. The Lake of Lut region, which is the lowest region of the world, is 395 meter below the sea level.

In short, everyone was expecting Byzantium to be destroyed. But during this time, the first verses of Surat ar-Rum were revealed, announcing that Byzantium would triumph in 3 to 9 years. This predicted victory seemed so impossible that the Arab polytheists thought it would never come true.

On top a satellite photograph of the Dead Sea basin. The altitude of the Dead Sea could only be determined with modern measurement techniques. These measurements led to the discovery that this region is the "lowest region on the Earth."

Like all the other predictions in the Qur'an, however, this one also came true. In 622, Heraclius gained a number of victories over the Persians and conquered Armenia.177 In December 627, the two empires fought a decisive battle at Nineveh, some 50 kilometres east of the Tigris river, near Baghdad. This time too, the Byzantine army defeated the Persians. A few months later, the Persians had to sue for peace with Byzantium, which obliged them to return the territories they had taken from it.178

The Byzantine victory was completed when Emperor Heraclius defeated the Persian ruler Khosrow II in 630, recaptured Jerusalem, and regained the "True Cross" for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.179 In the end, "the victory of the Romans" proclaimed by Allah in the Qur'an miraculously came true within the verses' stated "three to nine years" time frame.

Another miracle revealed in these verses is the announcement of a geographical fact that could not have been known by anyone at that time: that the Romans had been defeated in the lowest region of Earth. This Arabic expression adna al-Ard is interpreted as "a nearby place" in many translations. However, this is not the literal meaning, but rather a figurative interpretation. The word adna, derived from the word dani (low), means “the lowest”. The word ard means “the world.” Therefore, adna al-ard means "the lowest place on Earth."

Some interpreters of the Qur'an, considering the closeness of the region in question to the Arabs, prefer the "closest" meaning of the word. However, the actual meaning indicates a very important geological fact: The Dead Sea, one of the regions in which the Byzantines were defeated in 613-14, is the lowest region on Earth.180

As stated earlier, for Christian Byzantium, the loss of the True Cross was the heaviest blow in that defeat in Jerusalem, located near the shores of the Dead Sea.

The Byzantines and the Persians actually fought at the Dead Sea basin, which is situated at the intersection point of the lands belonging to Syria, Palestine, and Jordan. At 399 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is the "lowest" place on Earth's surface.181

However, as only modern measuring methods and equipment can prove this fact, it would have been impossible for anyone living at that time to realise this truth. Yet, the Qur'an states clearly that this region was the "lowest land" on Earth and thereby provides further evidence that it is the Word of Allah.


The scientists discovered that the female bee cells contain 16 pairs of chromosomes (16 x 2 = 32) and male cells develop 16 chromosomes. Therefore, the bee world is related to number 16 and the sublime of God. The only verse in which the bees mentioned in the Qur'an is: The number of words of the verse is 16 words, and it is strange that the number of the Prophet in the Quran is 16 and the amazing number of verses of Al-Nahl is 128 verses and this number of multiples of number 16 is equal to (128 = 8 × 16), which is a multiple of the number 32 (128 = 32 × 4) and the question: Did this strange numerical consistency coincide with the number 16?

The flies

Researchers say:

The fly has great abilities where the brain processes information and draws plans during the 1/10 of a second and this gives them a high ability to maneuver and defend themselves ... Glory, which gave the fly these capabilities, even super and hit them for example, he said ((.O people! a parable is set forth, therefore listen to it surely those whom you call upon besides Allah cannot create fly, though they should all gather for it, and should the fly snatch away anything from them, they could not take it back from i weak are the invoker and the invoked ))

Building the edifice

French and American researchers
confirm that the huge stones used by the Pharaohs to build the pyramids are just (clay) heated at a high temperature, this is what the Koran speaks very accurately, in the verse ((And Firon said : O chiefs! I do not know of any god for you besides myself; therefor kindle a fire for me,O Haman , for brick, then prepare for me a lofty building so that I may obtain knowledge of Musa's god, and most surely I thin; him to be one of the liars )) Stories: 38. This evidence is confirmed by the leading scientists in America and France. The photographs of the electronic microscope were shown for samples of the pyramids. The scientific evidence indicates that the construction of the high monuments was based on clay, as stated in the Book of Allaah. This secret was hidden by the Pharaohs. Aya attests to the truthfulness of this great book.

Prohibition of sexual intercourse during menstruation

It is scientifically proven that sexual intercourse during menstruation greatly increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. This is an important point to be discovered in modern medicine. The tissue lining the cervical wall is at the time of menstruation exposed to wounds and easy to break. If the head of the sperm enters these cells, Changes in the properties of DNA within cells and makes them more susceptible to cancerous changes, Glory to God
Who denied sexual contact during the menstrual period in saying:

Reproduction of embryos

"The science of cloning embryos is interpreted as pushing nature to do something you do not want to do," says Dr. David King, head of the Center for Genetics. "Cloning causes abnormalities in the genetic map. The biggest evidence is that clones are often diseased, Will be present in any tissue or cells are reproduced, and therefore the cloning of embryos and children will be considered immoral Glory to God, who denied it in the story of the devil in saying:


Lightning is a global phenomenon very complex did scientists discover its secrets only in the late 
twentieth century, where they found that the lightning flash does not occur unless a beam of electrical charges came down from the cloud toward the ground where he will meet with the cargo opposite on the ground and spoke spark lightning starts feedback toward the cloud, I mean we see the beam recurrent, scientific fact says that the lightning flash consists of several phases of the most important traffic developed and the process of return and the time it takes this flash is very close to the twinkling of an eye time, strange that the Messenger of Allah Muhammad peace be upon him and spoke carefully about this fact, he said

(( Have you not seen to the lightning how to pass and return in the blink of an eye? )).

الثلاثاء، 18 أبريل 2017

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الأحد، 16 أبريل 2017

A model of scientific miracle in Surat Al Kahf

The story of the people of the cave in the Qur'an refers to many scientific miracles. In this proof, we want to discuss one of these scientific miracles.
The following is stated in the 11th verse of the surah of al-Kahf:
"Then We struck upon their ears (causing them, to go in deep sleep) for a (great) number of years in the cave. (Surah al Kahf: 11)
A very important scientific fact has been referred to in this verse of the Qur'an. It is as follows: The Arabic equivalent of "struck upon" in the verse is the verb "daraba". In Arabic, this verb bears the metaphorical meaning of "We have made them sleep." However, when the verb "daraba" is used with the ears, that is, when the phrase "struck upon the ears" is used, this bears the meaning of "preventing the ears from hearing."
After this explanation, let us pay attention to the verse again: Almighty Allah could have used the expression "We have made them sleep" for the People of the Cave. However, He did not say so; instead, He said, "We struck upon their ears". Here the preference of the expression "We struck upon their ears" instead of "We have made them sleep" indicates a very interesting scientific fact.
According to the discoveries of scientists, the only organ of sense which is active during sleep is the ear. That is why, we need the alarm of the clock for waking up. Other organs of sense are not active during sleep. Thus, the wisdom of using the expression "We struck upon their ears" by Almighty Allah for the People of the Cave is an indication of closing the senses of hearing of these youngsters and thus their staying asleep for many years without waking. So, with the particular emphasis on the expression "We struck upon their ears", the scientific fact of the activeness of ears during sleep has been pointed out.          
As you see, every word of the Qur'an is full of wisdom. Sometimes it opens a door to a great truth with a single word. And with its every word, it proves that it is the word of Allah.

The scientific miracles of the Holy Quran

The scientific miracles of the Holy Quran

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